I hope you enjoy this provocative post! While it is not a current issue for myself, I am certain it is still very relevant for some of you. I really hope that people form varying experiences (going through it, have never gone through it, single, in-a-relationship, married, divorcedโ€ฆ) read and comment with your thoughts. THANX for your thoughts and love! :-D peace โ€ฆโ€ฆ


………….. his eyes were too much for me……………..they burned a hole in my soul………….he took a piece of me with him when he left…………….and I’ll never forgive him…………..

It’s funny, because, me and the girls used to laugh at how strangely intense he was. How all the girls would throw themselves at him. We used to laugh. but….somehow……and to someplace far away…..he took a piece of me when he left……

I remember walking past that classroom, hearing the sounds of the other undergrad students in the classrooms adjacent. I stopped when I heard his voice pour into the hallway. The sound wafted up past my ears as if to remind me of the glimpse of hot cold that taunted me each time I caught him staring at me. His deep, slightly accented words played the drums of my ears, pulling and pushing me, coaxing and warning me about … that … next … footstep.

I stared at that doorway….how it stood between me and my destination. Just 1 doorway away. I stood……..still…….frozen…….Vulnerable…..missing and longing for the warmth of love I sent away……and……I took that loaded step forward thinking, “its only 2 steps, maybe 3. He might not see me. I hope he doesn’t”…….I blinked……took a deep breath, hoping that I passed the doorway without him seeing…….”Hey!” ………He seemed to be waiting for an opportunity. Any opportunity. I’m sure I could have been any other gorgeous (yes I said gorgeous, lol ๐Ÿ™‚ ), young and silly thing to conquer…..but…..I was me. Vulnerable, beautiful, innocent, heart on my sleeves, easy loving, bright eyed…..me.

Good gracious! He was hot as lava, cold as ice. Damn! he was so slippery……….had soooo many tricks……….wasn’t really good at any of them, but……..he was good enough. He was a really bad liar………hid them in the wide open or didn’t bother hiding them at all……..but……….he was good enough. Good enough to make me shiver when he touched me, made me arch my back when he looked at me, and the kiss…………mmmmm……….just right, over every curve, in all the lines, under everything meant to block him out……….he was good enough…………just enough………just enough to make me close my eyes, throw my head back, and gasp…………eyes rolled so far back I could see the crime being committed from behind……….could see the knife carving a small piece of my heart………lungs too full of HIM to speak…………….he was just enough………………just enough to steal a bit of me and flee before I could say it…..before I could say “I love y..”ย ย ย  …………….. just enough to lust and leave………………with a piece of me …………….forever…………..but I used to laugh at him……..at his hot cold stare, with his perfect frame and sultry smile……………HIM?…………..REALLY?…………………this muthafuka HERE!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ………………………

Oooooh boy! I know yall had ya heart brokededed all up at some point in your lives! Man! There’s always some cat waiting for your vulnerable moment, to pounce on your heavy heart and devour it!

Do you know him? Do you know her? If you don’t then…..you either

  • have truly been blessed not to have been touched by that hot shit train
  • are with “Casanova Brown” and wont admit it to yourself (cause believe honey, everybody else knows it ๐Ÿ™‚ )or
  • you are the “Gypsy Lover”

………….nonetheless……..he was good enough……….to get a bunch a songs, poems and stories out of me! LOL! And so………my ode to the “Gypsy Lover”.ย  That Muthafuka ova there! LOL! ๐Ÿ™‚

*Press play below to hear it!*

Gypsy Lover


by Akua Allrich produced by Jermaine Mobley

Peace, love and light!

I’ll be talkin to ya ….. on the stage …. :-), cause it’s me…

Akua Allrich – Kyerematin

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